Child Support Lawyers in Greensboro, NC

Helping Clients with Difficult Child Support Matters

In North Carolina, both parents have an obligation to support their children financially and otherwise, regardless of whether the parents were ever married or not. After a divorce or legal separation, negotiations for child support begin. Oftentimes, child support matters are among the most contentious and emotionally trying aspects of any divorce case. Ultimately, both you and the other parent want to do what’s right for your minor children, but there may be certain limitations on what either parent can provide financially. When embroiled in a hotly contested child support case, it is highly recommended to retain professional legal representation from experienced child support attorneys.

Kreider Attorneys at Law is a North Carolina law firm with a wide scope of specialties and practice areas. Among them is the complex nature of child support cases. Our highly skilled legal team has years of experience representing clients and complicated and emotionally exhausting child support legal matters. We would be proud to lend those legal services to you during your difficult time.

It is natural to have many questions and concerns about child support. We are here to help simplify the child support process and help you either obtain or pay the child support that you require. To discuss your child support legal issues in more detail, we encourage all prospective new clients to schedule an initial consultation with our legal staff. Once you sit down with our child support lawyers, we feel confident that you will feel at ease with our vision of how to tackle your legal case and bring about a satisfactory conclusion to your child support issues.

How is Child Support Calculated in North Carolina?

Child support obligations in North Carolina are based on the state’s child support guidelines. The primary goal of the child support guidelines is to ensure that each child receives the support they require until they have reached the age of legal emancipation. Generally, child support obligations are created in one of two ways, either by a decision by the family law court or in an agreement made by the two parents.

In the state of North Carolina, both parents are expected to provide financial support for their children. However, they are not legally asked to provide the same amount of financial support. Child support is calculated by taking several factors into account and always looking out for the best interests of the child.

Factors that may be included in calculations include:

  • Health care expenses.
  • Dental insurance.
  • Childcare expenses.
  • Vision insurance.
  • Extraordinary expenses in cases of special needs children.
  • Transportation expenses between each parent’s homes.
  • Parenting time.
  • Pre-existing child support agreements.
  • The income of both parents.
  • The number of children who require child support.
  • Alimony.
  • Obligations to provide financial support to other dependents.

What Types of Situations May Warrant a Deviation from NC Child Support Guidelines?

In certain cases, it may be possible to deviate from child support guidelines. Family law judges are granted a certain level of discretion in deviating from the guidelines North Carolina child support guidelines include. 

Factors that your family law court may consider when deviating from North Carolina child support guidelines include:

  • A financial inability to pay the amount of child support.
  • Education expenses.
  • Outstanding debts.
  • The existence of other children who require support.
  • Extraordinary medical expenses for a disability or illness.
  • Contributions received from a third party for child support.
  • One parent pays 100% of the health insurance for the child.

If any of the above apply, as well as certain other unmentioned factors, it may be possible to deviate from NC child support guidelines. To present your case for reduced child support payments, it is recommended that you work with attorneys experienced in child support cases. Our law firm would be proud to lend legal assistance to you during this challenging scenario.

What if Child Support Payments Are Not Being Made?

After a family law judge has approved the child support arrangements, the paying parents must provide child support as ordered. Failure to pay child support could result in the paying parent facing harsh consequences, including being held in contempt of court.

In most cases where a parent is not providing child support as agreed upon, family law judges will order wage garnishments of the paying parent’s wages. However, sometimes, they may go even further, taking such steps as intercepting tax refunds, revoking driver’s licenses, and seizing certain assets.

If the other parent is not living up to their own support obligation, the recipient parent has the right to take legal action. Our law firm would be proud to provide you with legal help as you seek to recover the child support you are owed.

Is it Possible to Modify Existing Child Support Orders?

In certain circumstances, it is possible to modify existing child support orders. There may be an extraordinary change in circumstances that warrant such changes, and the courts are not unsympathetic to this fact. However, the parents cannot merely agree between themselves on a modification for child support payments. It is necessary to petition the court for child support modifications, even when both parties agree.

Child support modifications only occur during significant changes in circumstances.

Examples of such changes in circumstances include:

  • Job loss.
  • Debilitating injury.
  • A new job.
  • Changes in the child’s needs.
  • A new baby.
  • Remarriage.
  • And more.

Whether you are seeking to have child support orders modified so that you pay less or receive more, it is advisable that you retain professional legal counsel. These matters can be complicated, especially if the other parent does not agree to the changes. Contact our law firm to discuss your child support case in more detail today.

Schedule a Consultation with Experienced Child Support Lawyers Today

Kreider Attorneys at Law is a law firm located in Greensboro, North Carolina. We have extensive experience handling complicated and contentious divorce cases, including those that involve difficult child support negotiations. As your legal representatives, our team of lawyers will consider all possible avenues for coming to a satisfactory resolution for both parties. 

Child support is complicated and hard. But you don’t need to go through these matters alone. Legal help is available and just a phone call away. Please contact us to schedule your initial case evaluation today. 336-770-2017.